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Offline aznboi3644

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Open stomach to an Open Mind
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:36:35 am »
Food...the perspective of what is good and what is not is relative.  What is acceptable and what is not acceptable to eat is relative. 

But what is "TABOO" to "YOU"?

I am Vietnamese-American.  Full blood Vietnam just born in the USofA.  Growing up I ate whatever my parents fed me.  It was all good to me as a kid...except the raw fish/sushi/sashimi and the congealed duck blood salad (I now love sashimi now and the clotted blood salad isn't too bad).  I ate pretty much anything and still do.

What is hard for me to understand is how close minded some people are to "different" foods. 

To some any and all seafood is off the menu...I love seafood...all of it.  To others it is a texture thing.  Some only eat chicken beef or pork.  Some only American food.

Some "taboo" foods I love.

duck eggs (14 days incubated with little baby duck inside)  the baby tastes like liver...delicious.
pigs feet/ox tail/intestine
squid/octopus/cuttlefish (cooked, raw, and in the form of dried cuttlefish jerky)
congealed duck blood salad (ducks throat slit and blood collected prior to defeathering)
grass jelly drink (from the oriental store)
fish sauce/shrimp paste (both basically made from fermented fish/shrimp and salt)
fish head soup or any fish head is dad taught me how to eat the fish brain...really tasty.
blood cake soup (congealed blood cooked....looks like cubes of tofu but brown/red.  Texture is indescribable)
blue crab

One food that I really want to try is dog meat.  But I doubt I'll be able to try that out until I take a trip to Vietnam.

whew...thats all I can think of for now

My view on food is that you don't know a culture until you have had its food.  I am very open minded about food and will try anything that looks good. 

What "different" foods have you guys tried?  What is your view on foods?

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 07:18:01 am »
I enjoy alligator when I get a chance to eat some.  I'm a meat and potato guy.  I don't like to try new foods.  I order the same thing every time at restaurants.
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Offline HoBow

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 09:12:26 am »
Ill try anything once and the good again ;D I've had fried cow brain and pig brain- both were good.
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2011, 10:29:04 am »
Il try anything atleast once and if I like it il eat it again one food I like is deer heart with a vinegar gravy mmmm it tastes like a pot roast
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Offline mullet

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 10:36:45 am »
I'll try anything, also. If it's good I'll eat it again. I've had dog and cat, both were good. And sauted chicken blood is pretty tasty, too. The Family were fisherman, so I was eating raw oysters when I was two, and love sashimi, especially octopuss and squid.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Auggie

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 10:55:00 am »
Don't know if this is spelled right but I love kimchee.(fermented cabbage)Tonuge is good,so is possum,beaver,turtle,ground hog-whistle pig,crow(it doesn't taste like chicken)and pronghorn is ok,but stringy. I'm pretty much an omnivore.
laugh. its good for ya

Offline aznboi3644

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 11:26:27 am »
kim chi I think...but anyways yes I love that stuff...its good with rice anytime


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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 03:01:39 pm »
Azn - do you have the chance to hunt coyote?  Probably as close to dog as you'll get without taking a trip to the Motherland :)

I'm Irish...  of good solid Irish stock!  The traditional method of Irish cooking is to boil the goodness and taste out of it!!  As a result, (as pointed out by Azn above), at an early age I grew to "dislike" the texture of boiled cabbage.  I've had cabbage stir-fried and liked it, so it's not really a "taste issue".

Those that knew my Gran joked that she was responsible for garlic being introduced to Ireland, as she travelled the world as a cellist in the orchestra, sampling different foods, bringing home different things and growing them in her garden.  Her house always smelled so wonderful, especially when her garlic harvest was drying in the conservatory.

I quite like ox tongue, though haven't had it in years.  Ox tail stew is another nice dish, though very bony.  I've never tried cruibíns (pigs feet) and really have no compulsion to go get some and try a recipe - that's not to say I wouldn't try them if served up to me some time.

Growing up by the sea, with a heritage of fishing behind me, I was roped into net fishing in the middle of the night as a young boy.  In the days when fish were plentiful, most would be sold at the market and some would come home for cleaning and eating etc.  I was usually charged with carrying the bag of guts and scales etc. to the estuary and emptying the contents into the water to feed the crabs and whatever else got to it.  All it took was one ill-timed gust of wind to spray me with fishguts and that was me turned off pretty much everything about fish...   :-[

I've had veal with a crabmeat topping in a Cajun restaurant a few times, back when we lived in Dublin...  mmmmMMMmmmmm...  delicious!!  Though veal gets a bad rap by a lot of people here...  treehuggin' green party wannabees...  *ahem*

I'd love to taste alligator, shark, buffalo, ostrich, dolphin...err...I mean...  shark... >:D

Offline Bevan R.

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2011, 06:27:43 pm »
About the oddest I can remember is fried chicken comb and feet. Although, my favorite place to eat while I was in Tiawan was a little hole in the wall type place. Stopped one day and there was a little old lady on the curb cleaning chicken guts. I think they were going into the dumplings. >:D

Bevan R
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Offline sailordad

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2011, 07:49:42 pm »
well my grandparents were farmers
and didnt waste much if anything
especially at slaughter time
dont know if any is considered "taboo"

ive eaten cows heart,cows brain,tongue
chickens feet(i realy liked these ),fried pig intestines,headcheese(pork delicacy  ;D),pigs feet (mmm),thems things hanging in the back of a boar  :P :P
pigeons,dandelions,and every other weed in the yard,
fish brains,fish heads,eal pout (never again),and somethings i cant remember or never knew what it was called
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Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2011, 10:48:37 pm »
I've eaten cows brains (not impressed), blood pudding, tripe, headcheese.  Another dish my grandmother used to make with pork kidneys, tripe and ground pork was quite tasty.  I've seen too many chickens walk around in chicken s***t and mud to want to eat their feet.

On the wild side I've eaten muskrat, beaver, grasshoppers, ants, and I've been known to munch a few mosquitoes and blackflies when they start to annoy me.
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Offline sailordad

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2011, 11:28:10 pm »
well on the wild side
june bugs,grasshoppers,ants,various beetles,frogs,tadpoles,small minnows,moths,grub worms,night crawlers,earth worms
all of these items were alive at the time of consumption  >:D

just as a side note, i think junebugs taste like mayonnase only crunchy
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Offline Rick Wallace

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2011, 12:45:28 am »
Yumm Yumm Yumm,,,,Some of you is crazy,  My personal favorite is Mullet Gizzards and fried fish tails,,any kind.   :P
U.S.ARMY '86-'91  East Milton Fl.   Dont take yourself to seriously,,No one else does

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 12:51:38 am »
Had dog at a traditional Mandan wedding.  Not bad.

Recently tried a classic Irish dish, colcannon.  Potatoes boiled to death, cabbage or kale boiled almost as long, mashed together with butter and cream, a touch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste.  Yummmmm.

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Offline mullet

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Re: Open stomach to an Open Mind
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2011, 01:23:04 am »
Ahhh,,, :D Yep, Mullet gizzards are delicious. And June Bugs taste like " Springwater", if you are at the Classic. ;D
Lakeland, Florida
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