Well here is something I have no idea what it is, didn't see it over in the id thread... Just some shaggy bark, didn't get any twig pics on any of these. Just kinda curious if these look like
anything that might make a good bow just from what the bark looks like...

Here is somethin wierd lookin to me. Don't know what it could be.

I'm pretty sure this is kork elm. I haven't tryed it yet.

Some silver maple. (I believe). I got a piece of this yesterday, just cause the bark was coming off easy, figured I give it a try before I found out it was so chrysal prone and brittle.

Here is somethin I have been wondering for a while, which is what exactly is wrong with these mulberrys? Anybody else ever seen this?

Part of My mulberry row. These are the small younger trees. The bigger ones are huge. It's really hard to find a piece of good stuff, stuff is almost worse than osage, with all the pinknots, plus there are termites, wierd stains, exc.

And then there is this forest of purely sapplings, all perfect diameter for a sappling bow.

Some silver maple, some box elder, but mostly this huge infestation of this very very straight growing, like a freaking pole straight, trees that have this willowish looking leaf. Theres so many of them it's not even funny. I got some last year but it checked really bad by the knots that were on it, and I ended up not using it. There is so many on them though.

You probably can't see em very good cause my camera (and photography) suck.

Got me a piece of some of that mulberry, I don't know how it is gonna turn out. When is so much reflex too much reflex?

Heres the deflexed pieces, I could split it some and make some hardwood shafts, I just don't think I will though. Other than than and firewood, won't got too much use out of this guy.


Alright, my camera batteries are dead now.