Main Discussion Area > Arrows

"Summer Stalker" Arrows

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Justin Snyder:
Kegan, Chris is right.  Bob is Seminole, and has been hunting with arrows fletched like this for more years than you and I have been alive. And that is our ages put together. He learned from his grandfather who has built more arrows than you have seen.  If he says the wing feathers will spin them, you can count on it.  I don't expect you to just take his word for it, but go try it and find out before you argue.  If you look real close at a primary, you will discover that it is cupped on the edge that was the trailing edge on the bird. This helps create lift, much like an airplane with its flaps down.  The leading edge is not cupped like the trailing edge.  Your arrows are looking good. Keep making arrows and they will get better.  Bob has probably forgotten more than I will ever know. I will be the first to admit I know very little. But by listening and reading what guys with years of knowledge say, I might learn something one day.  Justin

Here is a link to the original post were Bob posted the one fletch arrows per my request.,2180.0.html

 :-[ I didn't mean to say that I knew more- i didn't even come up with it :o! There was an article in a National Geographic magazine or something  about four or five years ago that had an article about a modern day Native American hunter. I beleive it said something about his arrows, and he explained vaguely how the split feather method worked, and compared it to what I refer to as the "Seminole" fletch. It made sense after thinking about it, at least to me, from, how my arrows shot.

Didn't mean to offend any body on here- that is the LAST thing I  meant to do. I was just confused ;). Guess you can't trust what you read , eh?

Sorry Bob, never meant to offend you :). I never meant to explain it as "fact"- only how I thought to explain it.

Sorry again ;D!

    Kegan,I wouldn't sweat it.Like Justin and Chris pointed out when they alluded to Bob's advanced age.You know being the elderly type,To quote Justin"Bob has probally forgotten more then I will ever know" Heck he probally won't even remember this tomorrow. ;D

I had no idea- I neevr meantot be a smart alleck. I respect and admire everyone on this sight- that is never my intention :)

   Where is Bob when we need some Grandfatherly advice. ;)


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