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"Summer Stalker" Arrows

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--- Quote from: Kowechobe on May 30, 2007, 06:11:27 pm ---             Wing feathers spin the shaft.bob

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What do you mean ???? For the seminole method, the feather as two opposite cups and simply stabalizes, as the two curves fight for the direction of the spin. If you used two feathers split in half it would spin, but not so much in this case :P

               I take it you know a lot about the "seminole method" as you call it and you have made many of  these arrows. Interesting advice you are givin out.

    Uh,oh.. :(

Justin Snyder:

--- Quote from: mullet on May 31, 2007, 12:36:44 am ---    Uh,oh.. :(

--- End quote ---
::) :-X ::)

So Bob, is he wise beyond his years or wet behind the ears? :o
Kegan I believe Kowechobe IS the style of fletching yer talking about if I'm not mistaken. Now bein' of native american blood doesn't make you an archery expert but I believe Bob's been hunting with indian style longbows and primitive fletched arrows for some time now.
 You might want to qualify things you think are statements of fact as observations you've made instead of hard and fast truths. Not trying to erode your confidence or anything its just that on this board there is a whole lot of experience on a whole lot of facets of primitive archery. I've been straightened out by a 14 year old boy before!
 But hey they are cool arrows whether they spin or not. I'd be hard pressed to tell if they were spinning in flight anyway, and I'm darn sure the deer won't tell the difference. You're doin fine work. Chris


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