Main Discussion Area > Arrows

"Summer Stalker" Arrows

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Here are the arrows for my little Stalker bow. Golden rod shaft, cut to 28", with thread reinforced selfnocks and Seminole one-fletch. The trade points are from scrap steel my father had and are hafted with some pine pitch.

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Nice arra's, goldenrod eh, ya meet the weed that makes us sneeze from the pollen?


Pat B:
Cool arrows Kegan. You are quite talented ;D. I have cut a few goldenrod shoots as well as dog fennel and horse weed for arrows but I've not made an arrow from any of them yet.   
   Dana, actually, it's not goldenrod that makes you sneeze but probably ragweed. The goldenrod blooms at the same time and is more obvious so everyone thinks it's the goldenrods fault. ::)

Wow Kegan! Those arrows look to be plucked from the past!!!  They are a great accompaniment for your fine bow!
Great show of talent!  You got the skills.... ;) ;D

Kegan are those some of the stuff I sent you? They look purty mean fer sure!
 Make sure you seal 'em with some fat or wax or something they will dry out too much if you don't.
 Describe the fletching method for me. Split the shaft and insert the feather?


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