Got another tip, i have luck calling to the Boss Hen, try and mimic her calling, she'll come in looking to chase away her rival and hopfully bring a big Tom in with her ! 
oh so so true

i do this frequent;y when the toms are hened up
this is no joke,ask my wife she was with me
we were sitting on the filed edge of an alfalfa filed(in my blind of course

we could see turkeys poking their heads up to look over the top of the alfalfa
there were a couple of toms and hens and the boss hen
she was the only one making any noise and the toms were slowly going to her
i started calling to her,i would repeat any noise she made but would do it with ajust a little more vloume and emotion than her
wel this got her wriled up,she would call louder and harder
so i would follow suit and do the same but woulod throw in an extra cluck or two
then she would respond
i was in calling match with her for well over an hour
by this time she wasnt 3 yds away from the front of the blind
she was calling so loud it actually made your ears hurt
by now the toms had given up on her and went off wih another hen
but she stayed by the blind for a good half hour and we just kept hollering at each other
ive also used this technique in preseason scouting and had the whole flock follow the boss hen right to where i was sitting
personally i think calling is the best part of spring turkey hunting
probably why i own so damn many calls