Hi all,
After reading here about belly lams, and yumi bow construction, and such, I got the itch to experiment.
I had some 1/8" hickory backing and some overnight epoxy, which I wrapped and wedged, sort of yumi style. Tap the wedges in under the cord wraps, bend to suit, and tap the wedges in tighter. So far, so good.

After the epoxy cured overnight, I epoxied in a couple of short lams to stiffen up the grip area. I seemed like a nice, mild reflex/deflex shape, something new for me.

Next, trimmed down to shape, add couple of tip overlays, so I could go narrow on the tips (and because I kinda like doing overlays these days).
And here's where it gets nasty. Nasty tiller (many modifications), nasty twist. String tracks
just off center, not enough to claim "center shot".

Weighing in at a whopping 20#@24", 1 1/2" wide at the fades tapering down to, oh, let's say, 5/16" at the tips. 64" ntn. And yet, it shoots nice!

Smooth, fast, predictable, I can't explain it. Must be good hickory.
As always, I enjoy your observations,