Well, it's been a while.
I had put this bow off to the side as I wasn't sure I wasn't to thrilled about how it was turning out. Worked on it now and then. Mainly due to the twist and side bend in the lower limb that, (even until today) just won't come out....and a tiny bit of propeller twist in its body as well.
I tried fixing that side bend, but I gave up (for the meantime that is) and just tillered it up. Got a great deal out of it but not all.
It's 62" long, #47 @ 27" un-backed, with sinew wraps at the last 6" of the ends.
I'll take some photos of it braced, drawn and unstrung.... for now, the main thing I'd like opinions on is the twist and side bend that it has.
1. Should I just rework it even though its at the stage it is now?
2. Any ideas as to the likely hood of a possible failure of a 62" long, 27" draw at #47 lbs. with a twist and side bend such as that?
(Don't mind the goofy string, I use it to figure out brace height, etc.)