Whoops, guess I was too vague

I don't have any bows to compare personally. But, looking at the numbers of well made bows out there and comparing the speed, they're all shooting more or less the same. My question is:
If a short bow has the same FD curve as a longer bow, but less mass, why is it NOT faster? Many of the well made bows all shoot around the same regardless of length. So if the short bow has less mass, it must be giving something
else up and that is why they all shoot the same if well made.
The Mass principal helps show that all bow designs if well executed can shoot the same. I want to know why a bow with less mass is not faster than one with more mass. The more massive bow being longer, he only thing I see different- and this also form TBB vol. 4- being the longer, more massive bow has leverage to compensate for its mass. I wanted to know if there are things I'm missing or not aware of as well?
I guess "WHY aren't short bows faster?" would have been a better title. I'm trying to understand some of the physics behind all these awesome bows for reference. Just wnat to know how they 'tick'