Author Topic: Horrible luck: ya get used to it  (Read 3209 times)

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Offline recurve shooter

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Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:14:38 pm »
well over the last year i have sank my jon boat in the river....twice. it seems like every time we head out for any kind of adventure, it gets cold and rainy. we fished all day satturday down aroud the lake, and this morning up river a ways, and caught a grand total of two eals. we always end up wet, cold, unsucessful, but most importantly, happy. yeah, even though everything that can go wrong seems to, we always have a ball. things going wrong just makes it more interesting, makes ya think a little more and work a little harder, and after a while, you get used to it and just go with it. lol. we still have good days but the vast majority is pretty rough. it just amazes me that in conditions that most people wouldnt even think about taking on, we head out and always have fun no matter how bad it goes. I just thing as long as your alive, healthy, and enjoying nature, weather at her best or worst, a good humored fella can always have a little fun. just wanted to put this out cuz i know you guys know where im coming from with this.  ;D
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Offline johnston

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 04:39:35 pm »
Folks who measure success by how many they caught or killed have always seemed to me a pain in the ass. I have better memories of the bad times than I do of the good. But then, its all good!


Offline cracker

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 05:01:04 pm »
I'm with you guys just a few weeks ago I was playin in the river  and managed to fall out of the boat motor kept running boat took off without me rope fell off the front wrapped around the prop and stopped the whole shinanigan my buddy had to rescue me in his boat. My boat was still cutting donuts down the river at the time just as he got his cell out to catch som footage the rope got cought on the prop and stopped it. Had a ball. Ron
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 07:55:54 pm »

     Recurve, are you putting bait on your hooks?  You can't catch fish, while fishing on credit. ;) ;D  Sunk your john boat .....twice.... ::)  Did you make a note to yourself not to do what you did to sink the boat again?  Ron, I think you and Recurve need to get together, and go on a little fishing trip, and let your Buddy, film it.  Be good for You Tube series.  8)  ;D  Well smoked eel is good.  A little Teriyaki sauce, or the sweet sticky sauce they use in the sushi restaurants, which is half soy sauce, and half sugar boiled down to a syrup.  That on smoked eel....Mmmmmm!  Well at least you had fun, and that is goal of going there in the first place.  Or at least it should be.  Uh, how did you sink your John boat ......twice? ::)  How many people, and what weight is it designed for?  You know....... they put that info on those little aluminum tags, for a reason...... oh, and if there are two or more people in the boat, and one gets a fish on, or sees something interesting on his side, it is not a good idea for everyone to rush over to one side to see.......  Just a few little nautical hints there.  Oh, if a cotton mouth should drop in the boat, while passing under a tree limb, just lift if out with the oar, don't unload your shotgun on to it, while it is still in the boat.   ;)  Oh, and don't try putting a sail on the boat, by knocking a hole in the bottom, and sticking a broom stick in it for a mast.  ;)  Uh...... when you sunk the boat twice...... was it by the same method?  I think you need to get some bulk Styrofoam, or a few cans of expanding foam, and block off the space under the seat, and bow, and fill em up with foam.  At least you will be able to paddle home....... ;D


Offline recurve shooter

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 08:19:05 pm »
lol well obviously someone finds it funny.  ::)

welll the first time i sank it it was about this time last year, but it was a shorter twelve foot boat with my little extremly old merc 6 horse on it, with a little TMA in it. TMA meaning Too Much......well you can figure it out. there were 3 guys in it that time, the smallest weighing 250, the second weighing 300, and the biggest, me, weighing 350. it worked fine till my motor started, then when i gassed it the front end scooped under the surface and the boat just kinda torpedoed out from under us. we are all sitting there like where did the boat go???? lol.

the second time was about 3 weeks ago. Iv been dating my incredible girlfriend for about 9 months (yeah this is where everyone goes "aw no....noooo you didnt!!!" yes, i did.) i finally got her to come fishing with me, after 9 months. so she came. and everything went great for most of the trip. caught a few fish, had a few laughs, it was nice. then, coming back, about a quarter mile from the launch i was shifting my weight around in the bottom of the boat to get it to flatten out on top of the watter better and wasnt watching where i was running, and hit a sunken tree top. there were some big branches angleing away from us (thank god. you dont have to tell me what could have happened here.) at about a 40 degree angle. my little boat ran right up them and slid back in backwards, under watter. so before the little boat sank i grabbed her and her life jacket and slapped it on her and pulled her out and sat her on the log we hit, and got her to shimmy back up it to the bank, me following her to make sure she was ok. when i got her to the bank and convinced her that we wernt gunna die, she didnt need to call the cops and tell them to send a rescue boat, and that there was a pre school maby 400 yards through the woods behind her if we had to get out of there, i got her to sit still and i went back in. un hooked my outboard, trolling motor, and took everything out of the boat and droped it to the bottom (only about 8 foot deep) then drug the boat up onto the log upside down, stood on the log beside it and flippe it right side up, and slid it back off in the watter, dove down to my motors on the bottom and tied to my motors and pulled them up, threw them in the boat, collected what of our floating stuff i could, threw it in the boat, and took off swiming after the paddle that was drifting away so i could get us back in the boat and paddle back up to the truck, when some ole boys passed on their way in for the night, and gave us a ride and my boat a tow back. i knew how to handle it, and had it under controll, but she was not happy with me at all, and i wasnt happy with myself for putting her in that kind of trouble that i could have prevented. but all in all it came out ok.

lets just shoot it

Offline cracker

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 09:26:18 pm »
I was luckier than you all I lost was worn out glasses cell phone and my favorite ball cap. I woulda been sick over the RR spike hawk.Ron
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 10:24:38 pm »

     Wow, Smooth, that was quite an adventure!  She should be glad she was able to have such an adventure as that.  Some people pay a lot of money for that kind of entertainment.  I had to settle myself down, before I could reply.  I am still laughing.
     I don't know if I would be diving, or swimming in those bayous.  You just might be a tantalizing item, for some big toothy critter hiding in amongst the hyacinths, or laying on the bottom,looking up.  Anyway, I hope she can laugh about it now.  I dated a girl once, who was working as a police dispatcher, while going to school, to be a cop.  She later went on to work for the FDLE.  I guess she is retired by now.  Anyway, we were both in college, well there was an old abandoned agriculture building, and a shed, and it was back in the woods.  Well to get there, you had to go through what we down here call sugar sand, and I had a Datsun, (before they were called Nissan)  This was in 74.  It was a  73.  Anyway, we were going back there to shoot, so she could get used to shooting, and then when she needed to qualify, she would be ready.  Well when I got to the sand, I just gunned it, and made it on through.  So everything went great, she got used to shooting, and then actually did quite well.  Well she had to work that evening, so we headed back, and I gunned it through the sandy stretch, .....ok, through part of it.  Well it was soon dark, when I decided it was getting out of the sand with just me, so we walked in the dark to a house, and used their phone to call my buddies, and her work.  Well my buddies came to the truck and since they came in a car, they decided that they would all get behind the truck and push, while I gunned it.  Well, they did, and I did, and when I gunned it, the wheels spun, and about six yards of sand went all over her.  She did NOT see the humor in it!  She bitched all the way home, and then some the next day.


Offline badcolesonbad

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 11:03:24 pm »
well over the last year i have sank my jon boat in the river....twice. it seems like every time we head out for any kind of adventure, it gets cold and rainy. we fished all day satturday down aroud the lake, and this morning up river a ways, and caught a grand total of two eals. we always end up wet, cold, unsucessful, but most importantly, happy. yeah, even though everything that can go wrong seems to, we always have a ball. things going wrong just makes it more interesting, makes ya think a little more and work a little harder, and after a while, you get used to it and just go with it. lol. we still have good days but the vast majority is pretty rough. it just amazes me that in conditions that most people wouldnt even think about taking on, we head out and always have fun no matter how bad it goes. I just thing as long as your alive, healthy, and enjoying nature, weather at her best or worst, a good humored fella can always have a little fun. just wanted to put this out cuz i know you guys know where im coming from with this.  ;D

Good story, It is nice to know that I am not the only one who "adventures" in that manner.

Offline recurve shooter

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 11:14:04 pm »
lol. yeah im sure im gunna end up bitten by something sooner or later, but it was either buy a new flatboat, outboard, trolling motor, fule tank, ect....which aint cheap these days, or just hope im bigger than anything els down there and go get my stuff.

Stickbender, yeah she still hasnt quite got over it. she aint used to being out doors period, much less sinking a boat lol. she's getting a pink .22 cricket with a little scope on it, pink sling and pink case for her birth day. shes only 5 foot nothing so the tiny little gun fits her, so hopefully i can get her to come out with me again someday lol. (uh, with the gun tied to the boat, of course.)

when i sank the boat with her, i called a buddy of mine to ask him to ride down to the launch to see if any boats were coming out and ask them to come pick us up. but he was off with the rest of our friends eatin dinner. later i asked him about it and he said everyone els was like "what happend?" he told them, and they said "so? tiny sank his boat again. this stuff happens all the time. he'll be fine." lol. nice to know my friends have faith in me at least.  :D
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 01:17:18 am »

     Recurve, can you find the exact spot again?  If so, get the biggest magnet you can, and tie a line to it, and lower it down to the RR Spike Hawk, and pull it up.  You can go on line, and look up rare earth magnest.  There are various sites on there.  I went with K & J Magnetics, Inc.  there is no minimum order.  I ordered, some in varying sizes, and a couple in 1 inch, by 1 inch.  They tell you not to get near electronic items, with the one inch ones, as it will mess them up.  Especially cell phones, computers, pace makers,etc.  However, these magnets, are extremely STRONG !!!  They would have no problem, pulling your motor up!  I had one in my pocket, and was cooking, and I had all the burners, covered with pots, and pans, and I had just taken a now empty hot pan off the burner, and put another on, and went to turn to put the hot pan in the sink, when I was pulled to the stove, and there I was ! :o  I couldn't get it off, and I am holding this hot pan, trying to figure where to put it, when I was able to slide the magnet in my pants pocket down to the opposite edge of the stove, and twist and pull at the same time and was able to get free of the stove, and quickly put the pan in the sink, and made a note not to put the magnet in my pocket uncovered, and not in a non metallic covering.  They come with plastic, and plastic foam pads between them.
  I had to take the one inch ones, and put one in a vice, and then very quickly yank the top one off.  Then put it in something non metallic, or in an aluminum container, and then I had to roll the one in the vice up, and grab it, and yank it off also.  Oh, I tried to put the separator pad between them, and pinched the snot out of my finger, got torn skin, and a nasty blood blister.  They are indeed powerful.  And they have bigger ones!  But you can get one or two of those, and put them in a small can, and put a hole in the upper rim, and put a line through that, or put them in strong nylon type of bag, and tie a line to that, and then drag it across the bottom, and you should get your RR Spike Hawk back.  Who knows, you might get another boat motor......or some disposed of evidence..... ::) ;D  But these things are powerful.  You can just google them, and get a display of the products, and email address.
     Well, you might want to be careful when she has that little rifle.  She just might find it makes a handy little club!  ;
     I would not want to hear about you getting severely beaten about the head and shoulders with a.....Cricket ...... ::)


Offline Rick Wallace

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 02:54:19 am »
After all that is she still your girlfriend? ;D  If so you may have a keeper!!   BTW I think you need a bigger boat ,,,,,,,, ;)
U.S.ARMY '86-'91  East Milton Fl.   Dont take yourself to seriously,,No one else does

Offline recurve shooter

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 10:39:45 am »
After all that is she still your girlfriend? ;D  If so you may have a keeper!!   BTW I think you need a bigger boat ,,,,,,,, ;)

lol yep, i think shes gunna be around for quite a while if i have anything to say about it. and i do need a bigger boat....badly. but this one was free so im happy with it for now.  ;D

stickbender, LOL man i can just picture that, i bet that was rough. i guess those suckers are powerfull! i'll look em up. i hated loosing that hawk to, i loved it, it went practicly everywhere with me. i can find where we sank, but the river has gone up and down a few times here lately so i dont know if it's still there, but worth a try anyway.  ;D

well off to school. later!
lets just shoot it

Offline Pappy

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2011, 11:11:40 am »
Sounds like a great adventure,I have had stuff about like that happen to me several time in my life,the funny part is they are the ones I remember,When things go right you say ha that was fun
and soon forget,when they go wrong it last a life time. When me and some of my old friends that
I grew up with get together we will always say ,O you remember when we  ;D ;D ;D and talk for hours about that stuff. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline johnston

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2011, 02:46:23 pm »
Recurve I'm gonna tell you one that happened to me in the middle '80's. Went to the river after stripers by myself as usual. A friend had told me of a little trail that went right down to the water and I decided to try it. Picked the wrong one, figured it out quick but there was no place to turn around and it was slick enough that I was afraid to stop. Came to a mud puddle with standing water and just gunned it to get across.

When I could see again the water was 4 inches below my truck window. I had fell in a hole so hard it cracked my windshield. Bad thing was, I was a half mile from people. Started walking up river and came to the fence around the electrical facility that uses the river. Must have been shift change cause cars were leaving and I hustled up to the road. This nice young feller paused to look and I immediately asked for a ride to the main road. He looked at me funny and that's when I realized I was covered in red mud. A guy in a truck finally let me ride on his tailgate. Got off at the dam thinking to go on up to a redneck beer joint about a mile up the road cause a drunk redneck with a 4-wheel drive was just what I needed.

There was a jeep parked on the side of the road at the dam entrance and a couple of teenagers were searching for something on the side of the road.Turned out to be an over-sized high school ring that had fell off when the kid threw out a beer can. Ok, I turned to walk away and ten feet down the road I find this kid's ring. He was over-joyed cause he had been sure his dad was gonna kill him. They demanded to help me so off we went back to my truck.
I had a chain and the ring kid insisted on getting in the water to hook it up. We hooked back to back and when I was out they pulled me all the way to the paved road.

I tried to pay them but the guy held up his muddy hand and said finding his ring was payment enough. That's when we all saw  the ring was gone again most likely in a giant mudhole.

Never did get to fish.

Offline recurve shooter

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Re: Horrible luck: ya get used to it
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2011, 03:22:43 pm »
aww man thats a heck of a day. sucks for ring guy lol. and yeah drunks with 4x4s are always helpfull. they love any excuse to use their toys.  ;D
lets just shoot it