So last fall I got 2 elm staves from Marc St. Louis. The first attempt I tossed in a corner in disgust. The second one well, I like it!
This bow is 64" long. 1 3/4" wide for most of the limb and then tapers to 1/2" at the nock. It is heat treated. Recurves were steam bent. Osage tip overlays. I did a slight pistola grip but tried to keep it subtle as I think they can look tacky on stave bows if overdone. Tennis racquet handle wrap, My absolute favorite handle wrap, Thanks again Tim Ott for that build a long. I'm still working on getting that knife edge of the leather though. Built up leather shelf and gopher snake skin strike plate(multiple layers).
I tipped over my can of tung oil a few weeks ago so I didn't have many options for a finish. I'm penniless right now so I just threw a couple coats of spray spar varnish on it for the time being. Once I get some spending money in my pocket I'll finish it with tung oil.
I wanted to go narrower on the tips but I always get nervous there. So I just kept removing wood until the handshock went away. It's a pretty smooth and fast bow at 50#@28". Hope ya like.