Hi All,
Its been a long time since i had chance to play with any bows due to the arrival of my baby boy

Ok, its a scrap bit of yew that i de-crowned for various reasons one being some pretty healthy chainsaw scars down the back of the bow

I intend to back the bow with silk and if any wood will hold up to a de-crowning i am told its yew.
I think its about 65 inch long and i steamed in some re-curves and evened up a deflexed limb. Pulled out here to about 16 inch where its 48lbs. To be honest i dont want it anywhere past 50lbs and a bit if i can help it. Is it just a case of getting the outer limbs beinding more or?
All comments welcome, except about the state of my garage

Resting, doesnt seem to be taking too much set at the min but i guess time will tell