Author Topic: Video: Shooting my new Yew Warbow (And--Check out the English Warbow Forum!)  (Read 15703 times)

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Offline Dane

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I used a firebasket head stuffed with steel wool soaked with gasoline.  It stayed lit in flight but there is something disconcerting about drawing a huge ball of fire toward your bow hand.   :o  The tree wouldn't light even though I doused it liberally with gasoline.  It was very windy though.  I'll try more but I need to prefect the fuel first I think. 

        J. D. Duff

They didn't have 100 octane gasoline back in the 1300s, did they? Or steel wool. Do you think trying some other conbustable materials from that period would work?

Just some trivia, boiling oil used to defend castles is pretty much a myth...they used boiling water.
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts


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Hmmm, I thought they did.  :D   I've heard they used wool mixed with tar.  I don't think it would stay lit but I'm not sure.  I'll ask over on the warbow page.

          J. D. Duff

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Very nice J.D. looks like you done a supper job and to be able to shoot it[well that is just awsome.]
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good


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Thanks Pappy.  I hope you got a chance to look at the detail pics?  I should just post them, here they are.

            J. D. Duff

From the Warbow Page:
Bowyer's Mark:

Unbraced:  I can't believe how long these bows are.  I'm 6' 2", the bow is 6' 5" nock to nock with a few more inches of tips on top of that.

Full draw:

Top tip:

Bottom tip:

On the tiller:

Good times at the beach:

           J. D. Duff

Offline Dane

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Hmmm, I thought they did.  :D   I've heard they used wool mixed with tar.  I don't think it would stay lit but I'm not sure.  I'll ask over on the warbow page.

          J. D. Duff

Only leaded gasoline, of course. Refineries in the olden days were much more primative.

I thought burning pitch would be ideal, but you are the guy hurdling fire balls down range. Don't get hurt, or hurt your bow. It isn't worth that.

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Rich Saffold

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J.D. Nice work!


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Thanks Rich.  I appreciate it.  I just read your article on Palm bows.  I lived in SoCal for a summer and trimmed a Palm tree.  Worst thing I've ever done.  I still have scars.

              J. D. Duff

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Yes I saw them on the War bow forum and it looks awesome,got to where we expect no less from you. :)You are really turning out some fine looking bows.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline ber643

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Sorry i missed this earlier. Very enjoyable and informative video. I really love the Sunset FD pic and I will be posting it on my TBD pages today sometime if all goes well. Fantastic job JD.
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC


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What is the TBD page?  Thanks for the compliment!

          J. D. Duff

Offline ber643

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Oooops, I usually  put  a link on but forgot this time. By the way (for future reference) if a person has a web site it will show as a "Globe" to the left of their post and all you have to do is click on it. Mine is a personal (non-commercial). And the the TBD pages are a special section (Traditional Bows Drawn) reserved for Full Draw pics (over 600 of our fellow trad archers/bowyers at full draw and adding everyday - more or less - LOL). Your's are on Page12, and soon page 13 will be started. Please enjoy those pages and the rest of the site at your leisure (it usually takes more than one visit - LOL)

Find the TBD section in the menu and click on it
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC

Offline Loki

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So thats you page is it  ;D,was looking at that over on PP a while ago,it had me square eyed for hours,lol,great site!

  I don't think it would stay lit but I'm not sure

Fire arrows dont work like in the movies (Grrr,Ridley!),the flaming arrows we see at the flicks are pure Hollywood  ;D.Your lucky to see a trail of smoke never mind the rolling thunder Ridley treated us too in Gladiator (pfft) the wind puts the flames out pretty sharpish.As long as some of the material is still smouldering what your shooting at should catch,it may take a while and its not as spectacular as you imagine but they still work  ;D.

Offline ber643

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 :D Square-eyed, eh? Thank you for the kind words, Loki. I love it when folks enjoy it - it is a labor of love.
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC


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Great page.  I'm looking forward to seeing all those bows!  Thanks for adding me.

             J. D. Duff

Offline ber643

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My pleasure, JD, the pics really look good on there - as does the bow, the scenery, and the form. And I just finished posting one of our young archers on there beside you - she makes for good contrast.
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC