Stickbender, I enjoyed reading all about the military history. I guess you can tell I love history. I love most subjects actually… I have a passion for learning. Unfortunately, our military was not ready at all for WW11 and German made weapons were far superior.. El Capitan was a funny character that got picked on my Zoro.. When I was a kid I wanted to be Zoro too… Well the name is an interested story.. Since our last name is Rivera and I love art and we can trace our lineage back to the great Mexican painter, Diego Rivera. That’s part of it and I just love the name. I was not very common at all until Dora the Explorer and Ice Age ruined it for the uniqueness and kids started being named Diego… but none are Diego Rivera!!!! Unfortunately, that is not the end of the story… The rest of the story is that his parents could not compromise on his name, so his entire name is, Elijah Cipriano Diego Rivera