Good woman their Nate, you should keep her.
I've always tacked the skins flesh side up and salted them. Once dry any flesh comes off real easy. Then I rehydrate them to wash the salt off and get them ready for a bow. Is the salt an issue (since it isn't mentioned by folks)? I gave the pastors of the church some venison the other day and included in one of their packages a bull snake that had been in the freezer for a couple years. Funny, he never said anything about it...
I have my own refrigerator in the shop and try to keep snakes in that freezer. Seems to help in the marital harmony department. The only time my wife ever got real mad was when I put a container of maggots in the refrigerator to keep in between ice fishing trips. Seems like I got the spare fridge right about then now that I think about it.