I have been stocking up on my prefered wood this winter too. I found out a buddy of mine at my local archery range is a forester, which has opened up for a practically unlimited supply of Wych Elm:-). Wych Elm is THE bow wood around here (Denmark), so I took all my little trailer could handle:-)

The trunk to the left (below) is Prunus Padus, which we cut down to make room for the chainsaw around a much bigger Elm tree (leaning against the wall...barely visible).....Im curious to test the Prunus Padus since we have alot of it locally and it is regarded by foresters as unusuable.

Since the picture was taken I have split all of it (very easy when its freezing) and unfortunatly the biggest trunk had bad propellar twist:-(....still leaves enough for a dozen bows or so:-)