I did a lot of driving today and had lots of time think about all kinds of stuff. One of the things I thought about was Quatersawn vs Flatwawn wood. They are basically 90 degrees from one another. Since quartersawn is best for backings I was thinking if a Flatsawn board is cut in half and glued together it would be wide enough for a backng. Then this new board could be sliced thin for multiple backers. This picture shows what I'm thinking. I was wondering if this would be strong enough. If I did this I would put the glue line dead center the length of the bow. If I did this would it work for a flat bow as well as an ELB? If this would work how about a trilamb setup with a dark wood pinstripe in the center?
The reason I'm thinking about this is I'm finding a lot of flatwsawn wood and almost zero quartersawn...
Red is cut lines, purple is glue lines.