Thanks again all for the back slaps and handshakes,makes one strive the much more.
Wasn't sure how these skins would turn out. The toughest part is gluing them down,as one has to take special care with glue. i used a watered down glue mix and a small brush ,and applied glue only on the skins, just a short length at a time. I then worked down the limb slowly as I didn't want to have the worry of removing access glue later. Babysitting them as they cured. Had to re-glue a couple areas. Pretty easy really.
Very beautiful bow, Tim! Why no BOM? Tiller looks perfect on it and I really like the way you did the skins!
Josh, I wasn't sure if it was kosher to have more than one bow in for BOM? I already have that osage character bow in. Doesn't really matter to me one way or another,if you want to. I just didn't want to seem like a " bow post hog"

Jesse, sometimes you run into people that help you to put faith back into our society. Shannon is such a one.
Steve Milbocker, that handle wrap is just regular leather,nuthin fancy. I did a how to last year about it.