One thing I've found is that a bow that loses weight really fast when tillering seems doomed to fail. This happened again to me. It was a simple elm bendy handle flat bow. Once on the tillering tree, the bow lost weight at an alarming pace, coming in way under desired draw weight. I tempered the belly in hopes of picking up some weight. I took my time and tempered very thoroughly. Possibly too thoughorly? I then let the bow rehydrate for 4 days in humid conditions. After letting it hydrate I got it back on the tree. Only minor tiller adjustments were made. Oddly enough no draw weight was gained. However after tempering 3" of reflex was induced, and nearly 2 inches remained after first session on the tree. I had a feeling this bow was on it's way to be firewood, so for the next few days I exercised it on the tree, and it finally blew. The first pics are of the bow right after tempering, and the following well.....