love your enthusiasm, but to go from 140 to 200 is a HUGE leap. go to you tube and search for "warbow"(i am sure you already have
). and listen to some of the guys talk about how hard it is to go up just ten pounds once past the 120 or 130lb mark. not trying to be a stick in the mud but be sure to get proper form and technique. btw none of those woods could make the 200lb mark I dont think. the red oak could get you 80 I think at the most(more if you are a really good bowyer and patient)poplar is way out of the picture and the maple may get you a 100+lb bow but if would have to be a good hard maple typical from the east. go to the warbow section and search for the handle "adb" he really likes maple and is an excellent bow maker. if someone has done it he probably has. stay safe and good luck.
thanks, the size i am looking at is 80-84 long, 1.5 thick at handle, mabey more and 30-32 draw, i think i might be able to make the jump, as i have no trouble at all pulling 140+ at 30-32 and i don't tire after an hour of shooting
if i were to double up on either of those wood for more size, which wood it be. sorry, bad pun but im thinking, maple backing and belly, and oak core, not sure if there will be any other types, i have only look at online catalog, they are .75 thick
by the way i think 140+ is pretty impressive for my age, wonder what i can do in a nother few years when i fully mature, as im only 16 now

by the way, thanks everyone for the responses