Author Topic: cva 45 cal.?  (Read 1665 times)

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Offline knap_123

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cva 45 cal.?
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:18:56 am »
i just biught my first black powder gun. its a cva 45 cal. #0009960.  i cant find much info on it, but its in good shape. no rust or missing parts.  the fellow was a collector and a gun enthusist and said if it did,nt work out full refund.    i paid 150 ande it also has a bullet mold. the barrell is octagon as well.  did i pay a fair price?  tomarrow a friend will show me how to work it.

Offline mullet

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Re: cva 45 cal.?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 09:56:23 am »
 Was it made in Spain or did you get lucky and find one made in the US?
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline knap_123

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Re: cva 45 cal.?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 11:21:55 am »
not sure, i'll get some pics of it for ya.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: cva 45 cal.?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2011, 11:27:14 am »
You paid a fair price for the rifle, I assume it is a percussion gun, not flint. Although relatively inexpensive, these guns tend to be pretty accurate. The most important part about owning one is learning to clean it properly after you shoot it. Black powder and Pydrodex are really corrosive, left uncleaned or improperly cleaned after a shooting session your rifle will be worthless in a few weeks.

Black powder guns are like people, each has a different personality and may shoot great with one load and awful with another.  Once you hunt around for the load your rifle likes, you will know what to shoot in it forever. By changing the load I mean varying the amount of powder, ball and patch size or conical bullet size or design to see what shoots best. You could also ask the previous owner what has favorite load was to save some time.