Hey Hickory Bill, went out and secured that nice ERC tree today...it was a lot bigger than I figured

It took me and my 11yr old son about 3 hours to drop the tree, trim the scruff off and cut it into sections (and all that was the easy part) Then we haul to drag, haul the pieces out through our 12" of snow to get it to the road. Anyway, long story short is that I'm fatter and more out of shape than I though

Here are a few pics of the haul:

Ended up with 5 long logs that obviously still need to be split & reduced but I sealed the ends right after these pics were shot and I am hoping to get have them split by Sunday. They are 15" diameter, 13" diameter, 12" Diameter, 10" diameter and 7" diameter.
I also scored a sweet little bonus while driving some country back roads in search of the ever elusive Osage (in my neck of the woods) and drove right up on some utility workers who had just dropped this nice size Osage branch than ran too close to the power lines...it's grain isn't premo but it should provide me with some free practice plus now I know where a land owner lives so I can hopefully get permission to cut/buy a couple Osage Trees.
