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Very nice Hillbilly,you do some fine work.

Thanks, guys. Pat, yeah, that quartzite's really variable. I'd like to have a house-sized boulder of this particular type. It would make really good hunting points, breaks razor sharp (I've got a nice deep slice on my hand to prove it lol). Justin, I'm trying to get the hang of working the obsidian, you sure can't draw back and whack it like this tough rhyolite and such stuff that I'm used to. :)  I'll send some of it back your way when I get some more time and get it figured out.

Nice Work,  you think you could teach me some of them skills at hickory. :)

Jonathan, the best thing for you to do at Hickory is ignore me and watch James Parker and Barry McCall.  :) Those dudes are awesome knappers- watching them knap is where I've picked up most of what little bit I know. A little less beer, Beam, and white lightnin' helps, too  ;D You whacked on any of that obsidian yet?

          Really "kuell" points Steve ! I luvs hardaways next to dalton's and cahokia's ! Did i say I luvs hardaways ? ;D Wish I could make it to Hickory this year, Iam sure there will be much to see and appreciate......bob


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