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FINALLY got a little time to beat on a rock or two, about forgotten how to lol.  Made these two. The white one is a Hardaway side-notch, a local late paleo/transitional archaic point type. It's made from local quartzite with hammerstone, wooden billet, and a whack or two with an antler. I'm proud of this'un, one of the better points I've made from local rock-that Appalachian quartzite is tough stuff to knap. I also made a replica of a point that a six-year-old Clovis kid playing with his dad's knapping tools might have made lol. It's made from some of Justin's Utah obsidian. I like trying to replicate local points with local rock-I've seen original Hardaways made from the same type of material that this one is, except theirs looked better.

Justin Snyder:
Nice looking points hillbilly. If yours look like points that a 6 year old made. Mine must be the points of a 3 year old taught by that same 6 year old.  :-[ Justin

Pat B:
I'd hunt with either of them. ;) Nice Steve. That quartzite is tough stuff...if you can find some decent stuff to work with. Nice long "Clovis" scar there too.   PBS had the history of lithics in The Americas the other night. It was a rerun but still interesting. Was the Clovis the offspring of the Salutrien(sp) point? ???    Pat

they look like pieces of art to me.  ;D

Dang Hillbilly nice work there if ya feel their not up to your usual standards I'm sure their is good home for them somewhere. ;)



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