While i have a great respect for Art young,i find it quite interesting and a bit sad,that recognition,is not givein nearly enough to Will Compton.If it werent for Mr Compton,Art Young and Saxton Pope,would most likely not be known,in the archery world.It was Compton who really Mentored the 2.Yes Pope's interest was kindled by Ishi,but i doubt that it would have gone much further than an anthropological interst.Compton,i believe,was the man responsible for reviveing the Bow as a serious hunting weapon,on big game animals.Unfortuneately,Mr Compton wasnt much of a self promoter either,and little is known of the man.The fact,that Mr compton wasnt inducted into the Archery hall of fame,untill 2010,when his students and others he mentored,were inducted long before he was,is testament,that many have forgotten him,or at least havent heard of him.I cant think of Pope and young,without thinking of Compton,in the same thought.I personally think of Mr Compton,as the Father of Modern bowhunting.