1 JustinNC .................right hand, 26" to 36" draw
2 half eye ..................right hand 27" draw, 45# to 55#, off the hand
3 cammadore ............28 to 30" draw 30" preffered, 40# to 50# off the hand or with rest
4 Bevan R. ................ right hand 27" draw 50# or lower, with shelf
5 osage outlaw?
6 jonathan creason
7 Matt S. ...................right hand, 28" draw preffered but can be from 25" to 32" if design calls for that, 30# to 60#
8 Lee Slikkers ............27" to 28" draw, 45# to 50#
9 tattoo dave .............left or right hand, 27" to 28" draw
10 jackcrafty .............right hand, 26" to 28" draw, 50#
11 Cameroo ..............left hand, 28" draw. 50# to 60# prefered
12 sailordad ..............RIGHT hand, 28" draw, 45# to 55# with or without shelf
13 Elktracker .............right hand, 24" to 28" draw, 40# to 65#, shoot of hand but will take whatever, only ship in the us
14 ken75
15 sa .......................left hand, 26" to 27" draw, off the hand, 40# to 60#
16 John K .................right hand, 26" draw, 30# and higher
17 JW Halverson........right hand, 26" draw, 50# to 60# (No Yew please wrong climate)
18 NTD ....................right hand, 28" draw, 50# to 55# "willing to ship to Oh Canada"
19 Koan
20 Hickory Bill ..........right hand, 27" to 28" draw, 50# to 55#, floppy rest or small shelf
21 DELLis ................right hand, 26" draw, 55# to 75#, with or without shelf, will ship wherever
22 Pat B ..................right hand, 45# to 55# (to 60#) @ 26", prefer off hand or floppy rest, can ship within us only
23 Almostpighunt 45#-60# @ 28"-29" (29" preferred), off hand or right-handed rest
Here it is , let me know if there is any thing you or I left out and ill add it. Also pm me your adresses so I can get started on that list, I WILL NOT be posting you adresses on open forum, reffer to post above as to the pm of your address and how I would like it sent please. Sorry not trying to sound like a jerk just trying to save my self time
. Thanks Josh