my girlfriend stands 5 foot nothing, weighs 130 pounds, and i can compleatly cover her fist inside of mine. she's pretty small. she turns 21 in april, and wants go get her carry permit and a gun. problem is, im a rifle guy. and the pistols i do shoot are BIG. im sure some of you have some knowledge of this, and im looking for suggestions on a gun. here is pretty much the guidlines of what we are looking for, in order of importance.
1. stopping power. i want it to do its job if she ever has to use it.
2. recoil. shes little like i said, and not exactly a tough girl. she's kind of a panzy actually, even by girl standards lol. she has shot a ruger blackhawk in 357 with .38s in it and a 6 inch barrel, as well as some kinda little 38 snubnose revolver with no problem, so it dont have to be all that small, just something managable.
3. trigger pull. something we dont think about as caveman-hands can usually fire any of them off, but i got a guy to let her shoot a little taurus .22 compact pistol, i dont know the moddle but its one where the barrel pops up to load the first round instead of racking the slide, and it had a hammer, which made it have a double action trigger pull, and she shook so much trying to get the thing to go off she did good to hit the burm.
4. price. she's a collage student, and im younger that her, so not a whole heck of alot of money here. cheaper is better, prefferably under 300 dollars.
5. last, but not least, and most important to her sence she refuses to carry a purse. its gotta be SMALL. a judge in the back pocket of skinny jeans just dont work lol, or maby suggestions for some other way of carry? ancle holster?
Im at a loss on this one guys. at first i thought some kinda compact simi auto belly gun, but then i got to worying about jams, trigger pull, ect.
then i thought a small revolver, like the smith and wesson lady smith, but thats HUGE compared to her tiny little hands, then i thought maby derringer, but thats only two shots and she aint exatly a marksman, so i have no clue. like i say ANY suggestions from ANYONE who knows anything would be great. thanks guys!!!
ps- she wants it "pretty"