Main Discussion Area > Arrows

Red Osier and Wild Rose ID

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Is this Red Osier, I hope so as their is tons around here. Pic 1-3

Wild Rose? pic4 &5 Has thorns leaves look like rose and found a few of what looked like rose hips.


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Pat B:
Looks like them to me. The dogwood definitely has dogwood leaves. Look for stems that are at least 2 years old. They will have small branches on then instead of just leaves and the stem color will be a darker red or almost gray in color.  Cut them where the base(big end) is at least 3/8" in diameter. A 3/8" open end wrench is a good measuring tool for this.   Pat

Thanks Pat I cut a few already gonna get more.


Went looking for some arra materials after work yesterday. Cut about 30 red osier and also found a few wild rose shoots.
Oh yea and 4 ticks. ;D


Justin Snyder:
Would you guys quit talking about ticks. YUCK  I would sooner be in a cave with 20 rattle snakes than have a tick crawl on my neck.  :P Justin


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