Hey Fellas,
I was hand rubbin some wax into my bow collection today and the light bulb came on. I have bows made by fellow PA guys. While each bow is different I can assure you that there is not a dog in the bunch. All of these bows draw smoothly, shoot hard, and are very well mannered. Some are made by "young guns" and some by experienced gentlemen, but to the bow they are all very good bows.
I recalled some conversations with some of the guys and they were pointing out problems, flaws and such (as they saw it)......that simply dont exist. So for one guy only I'd like to compliment all the guys on the site who build bows, please stop being your own worst critic and keep building them. Can't tell ya how many stick bows I've shot since the early 60's....you fellas build really good bows and I wouldn't get rid of a single one of them. Your quality of bowery is outstanding and gettin better all the time.
Here's a pic of some of the bows: some by Ken75, JWHalverson, Toomanyknots, Hillbilly 61 and Dave 55.....you fellas buils first class bow and I'm proud to own some of them......keep it up.