No Don, I wasnt trying to do that , it was just something that I always wondered, because you never see anyone post one or anything, I was just trying to see if anyone else used it much, I seem to look for things that aint there, or shood be there and aint. And another reason is I cut a runner off of a big osage tree that had fallen over in a ice storm 8 yrs. ago and this runner was about 4 in. at 8 yrs. old the growth rings are very thick in it, and I split it so I would get two good staves out of it and the limbs are gonna have some sapwood on them, the sapwood is about 3/4ths of a in. thick, I will keep yall informed. Thanks for all the comments guys . Maybe I will make it about half and half, there is only 7 rings in this shoot and its 4 and 1/2 in. at the base and four in. at the end and its 7 foot long and chalk line strait Trapper