Thanks guys.

Did some work to the handle and nothing else today. Trying to keep myself from taking it out to shoot yet......I will probably loose self control tomorrow though so it is hanging above the woodstove to dry for another night and then I bend it some more

I think I may have to give my head a shake and keep things in perspective. This is 62"long 1 3/8 wide and pulls 70#@22" and after relaxing for a while has about 1 1/4 inch of set. Any other wood I would not even think of stressing it to that degree, yet with the sacred(after hearing osage praised for so long it takes on an almost mystical air) yeller wood I some how think it is supernaturally strong and should pull 100# with zero set @ 34" of draw and 53"ntn

I suppose it is just wood too eh? Good wood, but wood nevertheless.
Anyway I am quite happy with it so.....
Here's what I got done today.
Glued on some leather back and belly of the handle to fill out the grip. I shaped it to point toward the string slightly as it still was tracking a bit offside. Glued on with contact cement and rubbed crazy glue into it to make it easier to file to shape.
Also prepped a handle wrap. skived the edge of the leather thin and folded the edge back to make a nice swell in the grip at top and bottom. You'll see this better in the finished pics in a few days(I hope).