Author Topic: NSSF Action Alert  (Read 3081 times)

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Offline Marc St Louis

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NSSF Action Alert
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:17:07 am »
I've been asked by Mike Moore to post this, here are his words


Here is something which may merit posting on the board for action.

It comes from the National Shooting Sport Foundation, of which we are a member, and although it pertains to firearms and may effect some of our readers the basic premise is a ban on hunting in the Huron-Manistee National Forest in Michigan. The Obama administration BLM Director issued a directive under an Executive Order in December to treat all National forests as wilderness which is the first step in banning hunting of any kind in these forests. This court action is probably the first step to implementing  this policy.

I feel we as hunters, should take a stand every chance we get to stop this action whether it is bow & arrow or firearm as the implementation of one will ultimately adversely affect the other.

"Passing It On"


Michael M. Moore

President & CEO
Primitive Archer Magazine
713-467-8202 - Office
713-467-4979 - Fax

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