I made all three bows the same (elm backed hard maple) becuse that's what Warren said he wanted. I believe the red elm is more of a safety factor and allows the little bow to draw farther (without set) than if it was a self bow. However, all the power comes from the maple, in my opinion, so I guess I dont know how to answer you....it looks good, allows more draw but I believe the speed and cast comes from the Maple.
I usually do not glue in refelx to any of the Native American bows, so both the Ottawa and the pyramid were glued flat....of course the Mollegabet was made flat as well.
Ken, I'm slower than the molasses in January compared to you.....and I seriously believe ya build better bows too. We may make different kinds but I have some of your bows and they are first class in all respects.....proof is in the shootin, not the talkin and yours shoot as good as any I've ever owned.....thats just a fact.
Okie 64, thanks I like 'em too. But I think a vast majority of bows in the Great Lakes region were scalloped both by the Algonquian Language tribes but by the Iriquoixan tribes as well.