Thank you fellas,
John, The Ottawa (Odawa) used 'em exactly like that. They also had the shortest bows in the area. I allways thought it was because of thier use in canoes....turns out it was but also because the Ottawa were some of the shortest and had slighter builds than most all of the other tribes.
Keenan, thanks for the compliment, but mostly my interest in native american bows is from the great lakes region and most of theirs were carved....not all, but alot. I also got real interested in the possible connection between the Mollegabet layout and the close similarities with the Eastern bows....but basically thats it.
Hammertime, Thank you sir.
Gonsten....& BB....thank you for the kind words
Wildman, ya aint seen nothin yet, partner.
Okie, Dont think so, this not havin to work no more is goin down real good....