Author Topic: Fredericksburg Pedernales Knap In April 2011  (Read 3742 times)

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Fredericksburg Pedernales Knap In April 2011
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:32:48 pm »
Someone was asking about a knap-in in Fredricksburg, Texas ...  so I'm going to post the info here.  I hope this hasn't been posted already.  This is from an email I received last week:

From: Ronald Fieseler <>
Date: Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Fredericksburg Pedernales Knap In April 2011

Hello everyone!
I wanted to give y'all a quick heads-up!
I just confirmed with Fredericksburg City Hall that our 2011 Knap-in is good to go at Ft. Martin Scott in Fredericksburg, Texas on April 7, 8, 9,and 10.  Mark this on your calendars and plan to attend.

This is the weekend BEFORE the Niblett's Bluff Knap-in in Louisana.  By avoiding these two conflicts, we are anticipating a good turn out.

Ft. Martin Scott is located on US 290 on the eastern edge of Fredericksburg.  Easy to find and good access.  Fredericksburg is a destination city with lots of good shopping, German speciality restaurants, the Chester Nimitz Museum, and other attractions.

Those of you who have attended previous events know the site has lots of potential.

Our Knap-in Committee intends to improve the event and increase both knapper/vendor attendance and public awareness as we continue the event that our old buddy Bill Metcalf organized several years ago.

Early Set-Up...for those vendors and folks who might arrive from out of town before Thursday, we should be able to accomodate you as usual.  If you think you might arrive prior to Thursday, please send me a PaleoPlanet message so I can get a rough count.

Camping is available in the parking area for the Knap-in.

We are planning on having a semi-pot luck dinner Saturday night.  Like last year, I will be providing a big pot of venison chili and another committee member will be providing a pot of beans and whatever.  If anyone else wants to bring something to the table, that would be great.  Everyone should bring their own plates/bowls/utensils/etc.  No charge for this, but we will accept donations to offset various expenses of the Knap-in.

Like last year, we do not anticipate having a food vendor on site for all meals.  Fredericksburg has many good restaurants and fast-food places just a mile or so away to serve your hunger pangs or bring your own food and drinks.

We may have an Oooga-Booga Saturday night if we have enough candidates.

To help cover the cost of porta potties, etc. we are anticipating charging a small registration fee for all attending knappers...probably $5 for a single day or $10 for the 4 day event.  Just like last year, we will not charge a separate vendor fee, but we hope all vendors will contribute something to our fund-raising auction.  Gotta pay for those porta-potties somehow!!!

We will provide additional information on PaleoPlanet or by email as it becomes available or necessary.

Please pass this information along to all of your knapper friends.

See y'all soon!


Any critter tastes good with enough butter on it.

Patrick Blank
Bellows Falls, Vermont
Youtube: JackCrafty, Allergic Hobbit

Where's Rock? Public Waterways, Road Cuts, Landscape Supply, Knap-Ins.
How to Cook It?  200° for 24hrs then 275° to 500° for 4hrs (depending on type), Cool for 12hr