Author Topic: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows and rapprochement !!  (Read 3871 times)

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Offline readfox

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The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows and rapprochement !!
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:06:27 pm »
Dear user on the first name  Christian  from Norway  !!
I have some arrows of Your State Norway let alone about Sweden.
I wanted to ask Your advice about the anciant name of  Your Norwegian Capital  "CHRISTIANIA", that now is called as "Oslo".
I could not image that will be so terrible scundal in this CYBER WEB because of Your capital's  old  name as "CHRISTIANIA"!
I was sure, that everybody knows the anciant name of Your capital, as "CHRISTIANIA" !!!!
I am really shoked, as if People like old arrows they must know the names  of the  capitals where  these arrows were used  many centures ago.
It is wonderful, that Marrc St Luis asked  me.
Because of  these not educated some People I can be  banned in this cyber web.
But Mister Marc St Luois had to know this information, His work here is monitoring.
There are some terroristic attacks, but men those has knowleadge must now ancient name of OSLO, as "CHRISTIANIA", in my opinion.
Please read my answered to Marc St Luis to him in  Easten Europe  my writting in English Arrows.
It is my detailed aswered to Him about You.

It was misundertanding because some People are not educated in arrow's  geografy and are made terrible blunders.
Best  wishes for You.
I  mean the Norwegian user of this cyber web  the first name of Whome  is  Christian,  that was given for  Him  His  respectable mother anf farther.
I hope my explaination  are in detailed and People won't  see religion in my posts in the Future.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 08:54:31 pm by readfox »

Offline Christian

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Re: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows !!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 06:39:18 pm »
Christian by name, not religion ;) hehe

Actualy Kristiania is the name that was used when Norway was under a Danish king. After a three day long fire the danish king, Christian 4th, desided to rebuild the town on the other side of the river. The new build was named after the king and called Christiania or Kristiania. This was never a law and people were still free to call it what they wanted. After Norway broke out of union with Sweden in 1925 the capital changed its name back to the OLD name: Oslo.

There's many different explanations as to what the name oslo means, but my favourite is that it comes from Oslo/Åslo. (Å = the sound of A in "ball") Ås meaning Gods, Lo meaning plain. So Oslo = Plain of the Gods :)

What this has to do under "arrows" is a different matter ::)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 07:00:18 pm by Christian »

Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows !!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 09:42:56 pm »
I am glad this mix up has been cleared up.

In any case Gaillard, I am assuming that this is readfox's name, asked me to help him in posting a picture of an artifact.  I wanted him to start a proper thread on it but communication is a bit difficult due to the language barrier.  I will therefore insert this picture into his post here, I also inserted it into another of his posts in the English Warbow forum.  He can then answer any questions as well as add any information to this thread.
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Offline Christian

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Re: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows !!
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 07:12:33 am »
Cool. That looks like a good old fishing arrowhead. Possibly a trifork with one prong rusted off. It resembles a small version of the Norwegian "trifork" called "Lyster". Wich basicly looks like a huge comb on a stick. A huge comb with barbs... crazy norwegians ;D

Offline Sparrow

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Re: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows !!
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 02:14:02 pm »
 I had never thought of putting a tri-point on the end of a fish arrow, Hmmmmm....I like crazy Norwegian thinking maybe ! I will try it this spring. Thanks !   '  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline Christian

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Re: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows !!
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 06:34:06 pm »
Just thought I should post some pictures of the Norwegian/scandinavian "lyster" but I could only find one single picture ::)

The name comes from the method used when "lystring". The fishing was done (its illegal now) at night and one would shine a light down into the water, atracting the fish, then driving the spear into the fish.  Light in norwegian is "lys" so lystring would be something like "lighting".

I got a pike (Esox lucius) with a lyster once when I was about 12 years old. The creature was 103cm long and dang near draged me out of my boat :D  Funfact: Pikes (Nor: gjedde) is the only thing you can legaly hunt with bow and arrow in Norway :)

Offline readfox

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Re: The Tataric and Scandinavian arrows !!
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 04:24:07 pm »
Dear Marc St Luois !

Thank  You very much  in dead.
I have preparations about international co-operation with the Bultic countries.
The compuny of mine works  much to recieve the contracts. It is very difficult to earn money  at this moment and promote reseach of the Artifacts: the Tataric  of mine, the Scandinavian - ( Danish, Swedish, Norwegian), the Haibenian - ( the Irish),  the Hungarian, the Polish, the British, the French + Wallonian, the Spanish + the Catalan, the USA, the Japanese, the Korean, the Chinese, the Dutch + Flemish + the Bourish,  the German,  the   Persian,  the  Lithuanian, the  Estonian, the Malayen - ( Malasian, Druney Darassalam, Indonesian + the Phillipinos).

From the 11 of February to 17 February I wiill  be very  much busy with my Scandinavian, Iranian  and Israeli  patners.
Kindly be waited.
I try to find out may   copy-rights, if everything be  right in the international low my  copy-right interets, I  will  be  abble to show here  70 pictures of artifacts all over the World.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 05:54:43 pm by readfox »