Well Jesse, if you and Shannon, would have gone to Bulgaria, and lived in the Monastery for five years, I wouldn't be getting you guys confused! Well none the less, you are still one heck of a knapper.
Oh, if you change your mind, take warm clothes, I understand it can sometimes get a little chilly over there, up in those mountains
.......But I hear they make some mighty fine beer, and brandy, though.
.......Ok, Shannon, makes pine trees, Jesse makes big blades, Jamie makes primitive shelters, and items, for the museums, or parks, and collects chaga, speaking of which, I have three more brewing's left in mine. I am going to have to see if I can find some in MT. Hey, Jamie, does it grow up high also? I have something on one of my birches, by my pond, that looks like Chaga, but it is about ten foot or so up, on a limb. Ok, now, Leapingbare, is Jesse, he makes big blades, and such, Shannon is Sawfiler, he makes pine trees, Jamie is Jamie, he makes primitive shelters, tools, gathers primitive foods, etc., Stickbender ........Stickbender ....is ......Aw crap!
Wayne..... I think.....