Author Topic: It is terrible Swedish life and awfuil living situation's standar of the Norway!  (Read 2097 times)

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Offline readfox

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Cristian !!!

My little  monitoning  of  are payed   enemies of Sweden and Norway.  They  have  stayed the  same  after  Empire of Evil  - ( former  USSR)  - are  colupced..

"It is terrible   Swedish  life and  awfuil  living situation's  stundurts  of  the Norwegian life contitions".
Story  was  told  by  the  idiotic “Swedish”  couple  of  children  critics those  were former nockers  of  ex-KGB.
Are  the  former nockers  from  ex- KGB  are  absent in  the reporting for their KGB bosses ?
No  They are in prossecing of  critic businesses  and  making harm for the future  Swedish  geraration and  may be  Norway too !!!
Draft paint   about  ex-KGB  nockers  now  for these  FSB's   WORKERS are   orcestreted   book   fair  for  promotion  ex-KGB  agents all  over  the World.

Story about ex-KGB activities will be a litle later.
This some sentances for Christian !!
Kindly be waited !

KGB's  critic   couple of about  60 - 65   rerurnig to the same work as They worked for  USSR's  KGB  in their Youth.s

Dear   Christian !!

The Tataric Nation of mine  and You Nation had written  many   centures   ago   sicret treaties   agains  our mutual  at that mime  enemies and  protection  with the help of the mutual Intelligences  friendly business each  others.  There are some SILVER  ARTIFACTS about those  events.
Times changed much but enemies stayed the same.
I  with a great  enthusiasm and  positibe   attitude  make monitoning of  Intelligence Service  acrivities  Your friendly from  11 cenures to my  Tataric   Nation   approximitly  20 years. It’s very good job that make Norwegian Inteligencers  by the  proper way.   For 90%  fantastic goodly, and I am very sorry when Norwegian Inteligences make the mistakes. You realise that the main enemy of Norway and Tatary stays the same. Some monthes  ago  Norwegian  Intelligences make some mistake on the border between our mutual enemy and  the boder of the future World monster. My best congratulation with the succses of the Intelligence Service activities of Norway. As what is good for the Tatary  is good for the Norwehian Intelligen Cervice.
I have  made some  words  for You that were delated on this  cyber web some times before 3 days.
About the German language for You. Did You read my  writing about it. I mean about  spelling writing in  German  language  "Enlightened Mister  Sparrow"?  Have  You  read the one?
I had some  business and that’s  why could  not be  on the Primitive  Archer  cyber web.
The Sacret  USA apeared later for several  centuries, that’s why what is good for the Tataric Nation And for the Norwegian Nation  can be good gor the American People too.  I am more than sure in it.
I  will make for You a little present.   
My first book about  Malayen, Confucios and Germanic business.
I have received  Sarbone price for it.
I mean  Malayen – ( Malasia,   Bruney Darasssalam, Indonesia plus the Philipinos)  Confucios –   (  The Republic of Chine on Taywan, The Continental Chine, Japan, The Republic of  Korea, Singapure, Macao, Manchuria ),  Germanic – ( German, plus  German of Namibia,  Danish,  Swedish,  Norwegian,  Astrian, Dutch,  plus Flamish, Swiss,  Flemish, Lichteistain,  Bourish of the South Africa,  FaroeaLiN) -  as  addition of the  Fascist  business.  I recived  Sarbonna price for it. In the  former  irion   curtain I had dificties.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 06:12:22 pm by readfox »