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Fishing arrows

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Pat B:
Dana, This arrow hangs on the wall with the rest of my collection.  ;)  Too neat to use.   Pat

I had the pleasure of working on some Creek rivercane arrows that they used in the river for fishing, they used walnut hulls to stun the fish then they would shoot them and retreive there arrows and fish , if they missed there arrow would be standing up in the water, cause the ones I worked on had roled cone points , looked like they were rolled out of barrel bands.    Trapper

 There are lots of different ways of bowfishing. The size of your expected targets as well as the way you get close to them, and the size of the body of water they inhabit all are factors which figure in.

 My preferred targets are large (20-30 pound) fish which I shoot from the front deck of my boat, usually in the Lake of the Ozarks or Truman Lake, but sometimes in the local rivers.

 If you don't have a line on your arrow under those circumstances, you won't recover your fish. If you try to hold one of those fish, especially grass carp or buffalo, during the initial run they make after being shot, they often will tear the barb out and get away. I have even had them get off after a complete pass through shot, where the line itself had cut through the fish all the way to the outside.

 I decided the Eskimos must have had a year or two to figure out how to take large animals from the water, so I copied the technique they developed. I make a socketed head which only slips onto a cane shaft. I tie a line to the head and secure the line at the back of the shaft with two half hitches. The other end of the 50 or so feet of line is tied to a milk jug.  I can place the jug at my feet, wrap the line around my bow reel, and when I shoot a fish, it can run until it tires enough to be gaffed. The cane shaft floats if it comes loose.

 This method sure isn't for everybody or for all kinds of bowfishing but does have advantages under some circumstances.


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that's some neat stuff, you guys are posting.  keep it coming   ;D

I like that rig great idea with the bouy, looks like a wicked point



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