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How do I skin and preserve a snake skin ?


I just killed a 68 1/2" in the yard (uncle now says it a chicken snake) Its now 63" long. How do I skin and preserve it? I want to save it for a future bow.

Thanks, Ron

Just split the skin down the belly and peel it off, snakes skin out easily. After you've got it skinned, scrape off any fat or meat on the flesh side reaaly well, then either wrap it really well and freeze it, or tack it down flesh side out on a board and let it dry.Some people salt them, but I don't feel that salting is necessary. Or even better, after you skin and clean it, glue it on the back of that new bow.

Thanks Hillbilly, I had thought of putting on the new bow but figure their probably not easy to come by so I better save it. But I could be convinced IF I thought I could get more skins later.

  You will always find more skins,use it.It is easier putting it on green with some glue.A thin skin like a "chicken snake",sounds like a rat snake or corn snake,You have to be carefull about freezing for a long time.The skins are thin and will freezer burn and tear real easy after thawing.For that reason The thin skin snakes, I salt real good and roll them up,salt in ,and put in a baggie.Then you can freeze them but they really will not freeze all the way.When you use them just  rinse real good and then glue.

I have learned another lesson.  Run your thumb between the skins and the meat down the sides. I did have to pay for this lesson and the cost was ripping the skin about 13" from the head. >:( :( I did skin it the rest of the way out. The rinsed it off and put it in a freezer bag in the fridge. I might still have enough to do the new bow. I guess its time to research how to apply the skin to the new bow and where to get glue.


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