Thanks for checking it out everyone

It really means a lot and all the comments help me learn. I apologize there hasn't been many new posts lately, school is my main priority right now. I will have a new post out within the next few days though I promise!
Dmass: No, I havent heard of Mr. Whyte or his books but they look darned interesting! I will definitely look it up and read it! I love, I've learned a lot of things I would have otherwise never heard of or even thought of!
Del: Glad you like the cuir boilli post

I know what you mean only so many hours in the day, haha. In the picture the bow was tilted towards the camera a little bit, but I dont think it would be enough to be an illusion. I think you may be correct because after reviewing a video of me shooting that bow I notice some odd things and that limb may be the reason.