Darcy, suprisingly they don't have that bad of shock. There is a thump but not uncomfortable. Maybe allowing the entire bow to bend has something to do with it. I don't know. I was shooting heavy cane arrows(600gr+) in a 40# bow so the arrow absorbed most of the energy so less hand shock.
George, I have ruined as much locust as you have been successful with. How can I not look up to you!

Danny, if a bow has twist I like to position the side nocks to help allieviate the twist.
Thanks everyone. I've only made a few of these simple style bows and have come to love their effectivness as well as their simplicity. There are lots of styles of Eastern Woodland bows and this bow is sort a combo of two; the Cherokee style and a Sudbury with the narrowed handle area. Fun bows to build and shoot.