Main Discussion Area > Arrows


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Broken Arrow:
Yeah, I read in TBB (#3 I think)  That the only purpose for fletching is to keep the back from passing the front.  I noticed on the travel channel's show Tribal life (Pumpah tribe i think)  The natives dont use fletchings.  I think its because they shoot vertical more than horizontal. 

Pat B:
...and their arrows are probably longer.  Pat

Like Pat said, they were probably longer. I think Tpoof has a set of aboriginal bow and arrows that were very long. Pretty cool things 9fly well too)


--- Quote from: Broken Arrow on May 15, 2007, 05:10:27 pm ---Awesome.  Thanks guys.  I just thought if I had some chickens, I would have a steady supply of feathers.  I thought about getting turkeys or ducks, but they were 5.99 a peice as apposed to 1.99.  Next year, I might get a few but for now I'll stick to chickens.
How do you guys get peacock feathers?  You farm them?   Do the feathers look good on the arrow?  Are they radiant like the tails?
Sorry for the child-like questioning, but Im new at this and have a ton of questions.

--- End quote ---

Peacock wing feathers do not look like tail feathers. Most of the ones I get are cinnamon, sometimes white, sometimes chocolate but the chocolate ones usually are not that good.
Cinnamon peacock feathers look great on arrows. Take a look

Yeah what Loyd said, I love the red wing feathers of the peacock, to me they look like redtail hawk tail feathers without the black band that the hawk has of course, ........ Now the Cherokees and Creeks used Guine feathers alot because they raised them, and Ive used guine feathers to, they look way cool black with little white spots.       Trapper


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