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Broken Arrow:
I was wondering if chicken feathers make good fletching?  I would think they would work.  What about duck or goose?  Would the duck feathers fly better?  I just bought some chickens for eggs and meat, and I wanted a source for fletchings.

Goose fer sure others I have no idea


Goose is great. I've heard some people say they've used duck but I never have. Duck is reputed to be good for flight shooting but the same sources say that duck feathers are good for only a couple of shots. Personally I prefer peacock to goose.

I have heard mention of using duck, chicken, grouse, and even crow feathers for fletching arrows, but I have never used any of these myself.  My experience is limited to Turkey, Goose, and Peacock, the Goose being my favorite.  The primary flight feathers from these larger birds make the best fletchings.  Feathers from smaller birds will work, but will tend to be significantly less durable.  Even the secondary flight feathers of the larger birds tend to be a little on the fragile side.  I have used wild turkey secondaries to fletch flu-flu arrows, and they wear out very quickly!  Best use for secondaries. as well as the feathers of smaller birds, is for kids arrows.

Pat B:
With the smaller feathers you can lay 3 or 4 full length feathers along the shaft(one on each of 3 or 4 sides), with the outside of the feathers against the shaft. I have a few primitive arrows made by different people done this way.   Pat


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