I started this bow about 7 years ago. Initially it was a sinew backed Black Cherry recurve, I thought that a sinew backing would take some stress from the Cherry and it wouldn't chrysal as readily. I was wrong. The Cherry started to chrysal badly as I was getting to full draw. I had done 4 courses of sinew on this bow and I didn't want to waste all that work so I decided to work the belly down and remove much of the Black Cherry then I glued on a strip of Osage. This made the bow a sinew backed Osage with a Cherry core. The bow was giving me more trouble than I cared for at the time so I shelved it, probably in favour of another projext. A couple weeks ago I was looking at it hanging from my ceiling and decided to give it another go. The Osage had turned quite dark from age and so had the Cherry. I started work on it and it actually didn't take too long to finish tillering the bow out, I guess I had done most of it before I shelved it.
The bow is 60" long with limbs 1 3/8" wide and pulls 53# @ 28". I've shot it with 600 grain arrows and it spits them out there pretty good. It maintains about 5" of reflex after shooting so braced string tension is pretty high. Here's some pics

I made this bow at the time I was making kerfed recurves. You can see the kerf line in this next picture. I was also trapping the back of the recurves, which you can also see

You can also see how I glued the Osage belly on in the next couple pictures

All in all I am quite pleased with the way it turned out. The lower limb is a bit stiff coming out of the fade but the Osage has issues there so I did that on purpose to keep the stress down.