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Cherry Bark Backing Build Along

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Dont panic.
I  got the bark I used from trees that were dead  for several month. Then yo can remove the bark very easily. Frank (medicinwheel) explains in this topic another method:,2269.0.html ;)

If you want to have no wrappings, you need to have a big cherry-tree. For a piece of 30" you need a tree with 11 - 12" diameter. On this big cherry trees the bark often is injured and so you can't use it.

Bryan B:

If you use a piece of bark that is cut vertically, and then placed lengthwise on the limbs, you will probably have a 99% failure rate.  What I mean by that is because of two things:

1. The bark's grain is actually structured and running around the tree, not vertically.
2. The bark has defects throughout it that I would only compare to "eyes".  These run with the bark's grain too.

If you cut a strip that runs the length of the tree and then transfer them to a limb, both the grain and eye defects will be running perpendicular to the limb.  This is bad and will probably create several separations of the bark. 

Look at Pic #24 and see how the "eyes" run with the limb.  If you placed those 90 degrees, can you see how those defects could easily separate?

Make sense?

Nice build along. Thanks for showing.


What kind of cherry is this?  Black cherry (furniture wood, Prunus serotina) or pin cherry (Prunus pennsylvanica)?


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