I have Lymes also. Had it about 9 years or so. If you catch it in the first couple weeks and get the medicine for it right away, a lot of people dont have any problem again. But I know of one guy who has Lymes and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. It hits him hard sometimes where he cant get out of bed. He is nothing but muscle too like 220lbs, and owns a tree trimming business.
PAY ATTENTION TO THIS: If I had known this info I probably wouldnt have gotten Lymes.
1) Dont squeeze the ticks body when pulling it out of the skin. This sounds hard to do but not really. Use the special tweezers or regular tweezers and try to grab the head.
2) The Lymes Disease is in the stomach of the tick. There is only two ways you can get it from them.
1. They have to be on you for 24 hours or more. Around this time the tick will get "full" and start regurgitating back into your body.
2. If you squeeze them when pulling them off and you squirt the Lyme disease from their stomach into your body.
3) Always check yourself for ticks at the end of a day where there was a chance you picked one up.
4) Watch a bite location for a couple weeks to make sure it doesnt develop the red ring around it. It will not be a solid red circle around the bite. The bite mark will be red then there will be regular skin color around the bite then there will be a red ring/circle around that.