I've dry heated hickory. In my experience it is not very effective with green wood. But it does work well with seasoned wood. The trick lies in how wet the seasoned wood is already and if you use something (like a steel strip) to help prevent it from pulling a splinter.
First thing to do is to weigh the piece you are bending. Second, add your heat. (Natives used to stick the wood under the firepit.) Third, when the wood wants to give easily, wait a little longer if possible to ensure the heat is all the way to the core. Fourth, bend the wood using a metal strap, clamp them both to the form. Fifth, remove clamps after it has cooled completely. DO NOT STRESS THE BEND! Sixth, weigh your bent piece again. If the weight is the same, you can now safely begin to exercise the piece. If it does not weigh the same, wait until it does before exercising it.