@adb; The exposed length of the peg would only be about 3/16"-1/4", virtually the same as a low tip overlay, so if I size the string loop accordingly, it should slip over OK. Also, I much prefer (for me) to use a stringer (I'm a bit clumsy, so the more feet on the ground, the better), so the outer peg mostly serves to keep the stringer away from the bowstring (see below). Sounds good in my head, anyway

@ Gordon; I agree, initially, I was thinking of a steel roll pin, say, 1/8" in diameter, drilled and epoxied into the lever about 1/2". Not exactly primitive, but then some "Viking" bows had an iron nail driven into them to set string length, and keep the unstrung loop from dropping away, or so I've read. I'm imagining the brunt of the force would go right into the narrow vee of the pin, and that over time, the string could effectively saw the peg off, if it were wood. Hmmm. I sound like I'm talking myself out of it, don't I?
@JW; OK, so I'm a little nervous now

@Horace and Hrothgar; Thanks for the encouragement, though now I'm going to have to think just a bit more on this one before I break out the drill. It is just a piece of wood, but it sure is a purty piece of wood, so...