Lennie, Its really not the hide glue itself that makes the sinew shrink and pulls reflex. It is hydrating the sinew. I have made sevearl sinew backed bows with hide glue. I just made my first with TB2. I moderalty hydrated the sinew with warm water prior to running it through the tb2 just like hide glue. The bw pulled into reflex well but not as much as hide glue. I needed to hydrate the einew even more then I did. If this would have been done I have no doubt that the bow wuld have acted just like a hide glued bow. I will try it again soon and let ya know if super hydration yeilds as much reflex as hide glue. I beleive it will. I doubted but Treeman got me to try it. I will post the bow up when completed. One major flaw is that is is UGLY......yes I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I really dislike the looks of the finished product. I plan on covering this one with snake skins....i would never put snake skins over sinew and hide glue cause I think it looks really cool....the tb2 looks poor.